Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Ritual Self mummified! The Monk of Shugendo

Weird News - Thousands of years ago, monks Shugendo Sokushinbutsu also called to practice self-mummification where the monk was tortured myself for years until her death dalalam circumstances that even the caterpillars and insects were not able to eat it. This process consists of 3 stages, each stage length 1,000 days.

1000 days in the first stage is where the monks eat only nuts and berries are found in the surrounding forests and coupled with hard exercise that function will drain fats in their bodies.

1000 days in the second stage of the monks only eat the roots of a tree nut in the second phase where the monks will change as the skull because it is very thin.

1000 days last stage is where the monks have started drinking tea made ​​from substances that poisonous tree. Drinking this tea will lead them vomiting, sweating, and aims to remove all other body fluids of the monks.

But more important is that after the death of fluids in his body will remove toxins that will kill all the caterpillars and insects that tried to eat his body. Thus the body of the monk will be a mummy is clean and not destroyed by carrion-eating caterpillars.

In this third phase of the monks are going to go into the cave is very narrow, just enough to sit cross-legged. They entered with a bell and every day they will ring the bell to indicate that they are still alive. After the bell does not ring anymore, then the cave will be sealed and the monk is considered to have reached perfection.

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