Saturday, June 4, 2011

7 Myths about basking in the sun

The following seven myths about basking in the sun:

1. Myths, often soaking up the sunshine vitamin D intake of more and more

It is true that the sun supplies the body with vitamin D, but not by frequent sunbathing and then vitamin D more and more. Excessive ultraviolet exposure is dangerous for the body.

Sunshine vitamin shown to improve the heart, bones and even help prevent certain types of cancer. However, experts say that healthy sun exposure is only about 2 to 10 minutes a day. This amount is sufficient to ensure adequate intake of vitamins in the body.

2. Myth, basking in the tanning beds (UV tube) is safer

Researchers say that the amount of UV radiation from the tube (indoor taning) is the same and sometimes even higher than the radiation from natural sunlight.

Natural sunlight contains both UVA and UVB rays. And the UV tube is claimed to be safer because it only produces UVB rays, but both types of UV rays are the same-samam can cause melanoma (skin cancer).

3. Myth, in the water does not cause skin burns

Water can not protect the skin from sunburn. Reflection of light in water can actually increase the exposure of UV on the skin.

4. Myth, using makeup with SPF (Sun Protection Factor) is quite safe

A thin layer of SPF on the face is not enough to protect the skin when it comes to spending time in the sun.

Skin Cancer Foundation recommends people to use sunscreen moisturizer that contains a broader spectrum before using makeup, even if the make-up on claims containing SPF though.

Broad-spectrum sunscreens that contain sunscreen for UVA and UVB, and worth at least SPF 15.

5. Myth, dark-skinned people safe from the dangers of the sun and skin cancer
The skin is dark brown or indeed contains more melanin, the skin pigment that better protect the skin from dangerous UV. But this does not mean dark-skinned people 100 percent safe from attack skin cancers.

6. Myth, the skin becomes brown to protect the skin from dangerous sun
This is probably one of the most common myth of all. Brown skin that changes will not protect the skin from the dangers of the sun, this is actually a skin reaction to sunlight damage.

Every time the sun to make more brown skin, then the damage will accumulate and accelerate the aging process. The only way to protect skin from the dangers of the sun is sunscreen and protective clothing.

7. The myth, if you use sunscreen before going out, then this can protect the skin all day

Common problems sunscreen is to provide a false sense of security. Using sunscreen by no means to protect your skin throughout the day.

Sunscreen should be used or applied at least two hours, and more often when you're sweating or swimming. Make sure to use it correctly, or will make the skin blemishes.

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