Sunday, June 5, 2011

10 of the most bizarre natural phenomena in the world

Nature will never cease to impress mankind, simply because of its unpredictability. Some of the most interesting things in life are natural phenomena that occur worldwide. They have the power to mengejutka and force us to recognize by its beauty, uniqueness and surprising secarapolos. Here is a list of ten femomena the most bizarre, weird and most interesting part of the natural phenomena around the world.

1. Old Faithful

Yellowstone is the best hot springs in the world known for its eruption consistently almost every hour. Up to 8400 gallons of boiling hot waterrises into the sky reaching heights of more than 100 feet . It was first discovered in 1870 and since then more than 30,000 eruptions have been recorded. Like the whale show at Sea worl attracts thousands of tourists a year.

2. Flores 

Flores Lake in Flores, Indonesia attracting visitors because of the three magnificent crater lakes, all of various colors. It is situated on a mountain top 1639 meter high volcano on the island of Flores and three lakes often change their color. It all depends on time of year and changes in mineral content. Although they are prone to regularly change the main color Tiwu Ata Polo (Bewitched Lake People) and Tiwu Nuwa Muri Koo Fai (Lake of the Young and the girl) is in reddish brown or green. Disebalah western tourists are Tiwu Ata (Old People's lake), which is more than colors 
3. Surtsey 

In August 1883 the island of Java, Krakatau vanished forever from a single explosion, violence. Exactly 80 years later, a new volcanic island appeared in a place completely out of the blue. He found that this is caused by a series of volcanic eruptions continued lack of under ferocious sea south of Iceland. In two days enough lava and Scoria been thrown to the surface causing an island to form, measured third of a mile from end to end. Wind and erosion have been reduced in size since its first appearance, but it did not back some animals build homes on the island. Residents, including seals, puffins, whooper swan, common raven and a variety of goose. 

4. Dead Sea 

As the person in the picture it shows is very easy to float in the Dead Sea and read the newspaper. The reason for this is that 25% of salt (normal sea water is about 4-6). Clearly there is no marine life can live in the Dead Sea with a good and increasing density of floating water is a natural occurrence. Dead Sea, which is interesting, not only the lowest place on the planet but also the hottest, in addition to the inside of a volcano. 

5. Petrified forest 

Only from Arizona I-40 highway, far into the desert between Holbrook and Navajo are the fossil forest. Forest "" consists of fossil fallen trees, mostly arizonicum Araucarioxylon, an ancient conifer species, which has to chalcedony and quartz mineralization. This process comes after dead fallen trees to be absorbed by the mineral content of the sediments in which they lie. This basically means that the wood of the tree eventually turned into stone. 

6. Giant 's Causeway 

Ireland and only one World Heritage site is an area covered in this giant basalt columns and stone. 38,000 stone columns created after a volcanic eruption about 60 million years ago. This lava cooled quickly leaving behind this beautiful column. Local residents, however, tourists prefer to tell another story. They say that Fionn MacCumhaill (pronounced Finn McCool) create area by throwing large pieces of rock to create a springboard for him to get to his girlfriend on Hebridean island of Staffa, or walk to Scotland to fight the Scottish giant, Benandonner. Hence the name of the place. 

7. Pitch Lake 

Pitch Lake is one of the biggest tourist attractions of Trinidad, saw more than 20,000 visitors per year. Unlike other lakes in the world is filled with the mixture, a thick gloopy asphalt, clay and salt water. It includes more than 100 hectares and has been used for asphalt, since Sir Walter Rayleigh first take some wood to caulk his ship back in 1595. Not surprisingly, there is no life living in the liquid 

8. General Sherman 

Not including the coral reef or spread of this fungus famous Giant Sequoia in California is officially the largest living thing in the world. This is somewhere between 23 and 27 centuries old. Its trunk itself consists of almost 52,000 cubic meters of timber. Proud to stand 275 meters, more than 36 feet in diameter at the base and has a crown that spreads more than 106 feet! It was named in honor of the American Civil War general, William Sherman, by naturalist James Wolverton who serve under the command of Sherman. 

9. Dachstein Caves 

An impressive 150 miles of tunnels and caves of ice sinister form Cave Dachstein, Austria's famous ice cave is located near the Lake of Hallstatt. Columns ice majestic, arches and nails are formed by the air vortex melting ice section. More below the ground is a giant glacier, but some of the most amazing sights to be seen on the way to the bottom, where some parts of the ice has formed what looks like a cathedral of ice. 

10. Aurora Borealis 

Otherwise known as the Northern Lights natural phenomena of the mysterious yet beautiful is said to be one of the greatest treasure in life if you're lucky enough to see their own. Aurora Borealis name comes from the Roman goddess of dawn, Aurora, and the Greek name for north wind, Boreas. There are also Southern Lights aka Aurora Australis - the Latin word for South. Lights are the result of photons colliding with the Earth solar wind. You will only be lucky enough to see them when you visit certain parts of North or South hemisphere.

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