Tuesday, May 31, 2011

get rid of pimples with water therapy

Pimpled face? Sure would make us feel less confident. Acne usually common among adolescents, it is because the skin becomes blocked oil glands caused by infection and inflammation. One thing you should know, acne is not only appear on the facial skin but also in the chest or back.

Then how do I get rid of pimples?

There is a book written by Herminia de Guzman Ladion entitled 'Medicinal Plants Healing Miracle ". In the book, the author provides a powerful way to get rid of pimples with water therapy or better known as hydrotherapy.

This therapy requires acne sufferers to wash her ​​face with warm water and use soap facial cleanser 3 times a day. In addition, patients must perform the evaporation of the face for 15 minutes after cleansing your face with warm water.

In order for this therapy is efficacious, it is advisable to consume more fruit, both in the form of juice and drink more water. Patients should sleep enough at least 8 hours a day and avoid some starchy foods that contain sugar such as sugar, chocolate or nuts. Patients should also consume lots of vegetables.

How to remove acne you can try is to create a cure for acne is using natural ingredients such as papaya, oranges kasturi, Romero leaves and aloe vera. Then how to make it? We will discuss in a later article.

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